Zombie Hunting
Brains! Yummy Brains! Okay, it's not that gross, but this is a contest we do every October and the agents love it.
Having fun. Okay, well, each one of my call center games starts with the idea of having fun. Then we build everything else around.
What You'll Need:
Nerf Gun(s) Great investments for a call center. The three I have are found on the home page.
Issue Hunting Licenses
Someone decent at Photoshop to zombify faces (there are apps for this as well or websites you can use).
Spreadsheet to track shots.
Halloween Decorations
Zombie themed prizes. I recommend thinkgeek.com for ideas. You can purchase from them or find them some place else.
Balloons, to put faces on.
How to Play:
Set up a shooting gallery. The idea is we're preparing for the zombie apocolypse, not actually hunting zombies. In the last game we did, we put up life-size zombied faces of management of the department and taped them on to balloons. We used a long row that did not have anyone sitting it. Zombie huts were placed at different increments.
To earn shots, we picked certain things we wanted to focus on. For example, we have a product the agents can do a soft sell on, so every $50 in sales they earned a shot. We also focused on quality. Monitoring 8 calls a month, and reviews twice a month, the agent could earn 6 shots for getting 95% or higher on their quality score.
Time to shoot it up! We marked off shooting lines as they progressed through the shooting gallery. A successful hit on the first target allowed them to move forward to the second. Rolling and diving are encouraged. We had 5 targets in all. This could vary depending on how many you have in management.
1. Grand Prize Winner: Most shots (obviously this person sold the most and most likely had great quality and should be rewarded as such.
2. Second Place Prize: Most accurate, this is the person who had the highest accuracy with a minimum of 6 shots.
3. Biggest Liability: This person shouldn't be given a gun in the zombie apocalypse. Minimum 6 shots required.
Some example of prizes we've given out in the past are Walking Dead Bang! Game, The Walking Dead Zombie Hunter Video Game, Ceramic Zombie Mug, The Walking Dead Monopoly, and Zombie T-shirt. For the biggest liability in a zombie apocolypse award we gave what looked like rotting flesh beef jerky.
Most importantly, have fun with this. You'll find other people in the company will want to come over and just try it out just for fun. Post the scores on a bulletin board where everyone can see, it gets your department recognition from other departments. Our CIO loves to see what we're doing next.
We'd love to hear your comments. Please let us know what you think or if you've used this idea, please leave some feedback.